A pair of Sukhois Su-27 takes off from the Gordi Military Air Base to fly to Le-Burje for the air show. Someone by mistake gave them a callsign 85868 in the flight plan (this callsign is only used for
Tupolevs Тu-154).
Su: Moscow approach, 85868, with you at 11800, 2 miles West of Marino, procceeding to Bujarovo-Karmanovo.
Approach: 85868, climb and maintain 12800.
Su: NO DELAY IN REPLY. 85868, with you at 12800.
Approach: 85868, climb and maintain 13800.
Su: NO DELAY IN REPLY. 85868, with you at 13800.
Approach: 85868, climb and maintain 14800.
Su: NO DELAY IN REPLY. 85868, with you at 14800.
After a long PAUSE.
Approach: 85868, Say your type of aircraft!
Cessna: "Jones tower, Cessna 12345, student pilot, I am out of fuel."
Tower: "Roger Cessna 12345, reduce airspeed to best glide!! Do you have the airfield in sight?!?!!"
Cessna: "Uh...tower, I am on the south ramp; I just want to know where the fuel truck is."