Ground Controller: Cessna calling ground control. Are you a Skymaster?
Pilot's reply: No Sir. I'm just a student pilot.
- "Pompano tower, Cessna 123 is 10 miles north inbound, Pan! Pan!"
The tower, who was obviously a bit taken by the call came back with
- "What?".
The Cessna repeated,
- "Pompano tower, this is Cessna 123 10 miles north inbound, Pan! Pan!"
After a few seconds of what seemed to be slight confusion on the part of the controller, the tower answered back,
- "Roger Cessna 123, Pizza! Pizza!"
A young pilot is in an airport lounge trying to impress a woman. He tells her he owns an airplane, a (Cessna) C-150.
She has no clue what that is and asks him for a description. The pilot points to a Hercules
on the ramp near by and says- "Well, zats a C-130".
Ilushin IL-12 on a relay. The Captain with appendicitis is being transported to the hospital's operating-room.
The crew are near and wait for the surgery. The doctor comes out of the operating-room:
- Situation is critical. The narcosis has no effect on him. We can't operate.
The mechanic disappears for 15 minutes and comes back with a captain control panel simulator.
- Show him that and he will fall asleep.
The Doctor:
- So we will be able to operate on him?
- Well, just try.
Doctors show the panel to the Captain. The captain shuts down. Then they do some pain checks - no reaction.
All is fine, they are good to go now.
The crew hurry up for a flight with other captain... One week later... The crew arrive back again to this city and visit their
Captain. The Doctor is in deep despair:
-You lulled him, YOU awake him then. We can't help. He still sleeps.
The mechanic:
- Wait a minute, - he steps up to the Captain and quietly whispers in his ear:
- WHO gave the COMMAND "SPIRIT on PROPS"?! - The Captain's terrible voice shrilled through the air.
To set the scene. 3 Ship military jet formation at holding point of civilian airport. Behind them are two civilian bizjets waiting in turn.
ATC: MADOG formation are you ready?
MADOG: Negative.
ATC: MADOG advise ready.
MADOG: Roger.
Time passes....
ATC: MADOG formation are you ready?
MADOG: Negative.
ATC: You know the guys behind you PAY for their fuel.
MADOG: Roger, they PAY for ours too!!
"Delta 633 descend to 3,000ft, the QNH is 1013mb"
"Delta 633 can we have that in inches please"
"Delta 633, descend to 36,000 inches, the QNH is 1013mb"
Speedbird: Tower, Speedbird 85 requesting pushback
Tower: And where in is the worlds most experienced airline crew flying today without a flight plan?
Tower: Speedbird, you looked a little left of the centre-line on the touchdown there
Speedbird: Roger, and my co-pilot was a little to the right of the centre-line
Student pilot: Centre, Cessna 172 with you at flight level 3600
Centre: Roger, Cessna, contact Houston Space Centre
Approach: 200 Heavy, slow to 160 knots
Pilot: Roger
Approach: 200 Heavy, slow to 140 knots
Pilot Roger
Approach 200 heavy, slow to 130 knots
Pilot: Approach, do you know the stalling speed of this aircraft?
Approach: Nope, ask your co-pilot.